Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Status Report: No Wogging Until Labor Day (at least)

Back from another visit with the chiro and he said I pretty much have to say goodbye to any wogging (that's running/jogging/walking) over the summer, and there is a good chance he won't want me to do the Tufts 10K in October. My achilles is still very inflamed and sore to the touch, and he says it can take 40-50 WEEKS for full healing from that point -- although therapy can cut that time down. He's willing to re-evaluate after Labor Day but in the meantime only swimming, cycling (avoid hills, HAH, like that's hard ;-)), spinning, yoga, and strength training.

He's right in that it doesn't make sense to re-injure it in a month and have a complete set-back, and really, I want to be ready to train for a return to tris in 2009, so I need to take the long view. My only gripe is that wogging is so much more convenient/efficient compared to cycling and swimming, but I guess I'll have to figure out how to figure it all out. No time like the present!

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Danskin Webster Lake

The Danskin New England race at Webster Lake, MA was my first tri and still one of the most special races around. Sunday, thousands of courageous women, in all shapes, sizes, and ages, became triathletes, and I was there to see it happen, and to cheer on the one woman who was there because while highlighting, washing, cutting, and drying my hair for the last nine years she has seen me release my inner athelete and became inspired to do it for herself.

I drove through pouring rain and thunderstorms to get to the race site bright and early, by 6AM, for my second year of duty as a swim angel. I love the angel program, and even if the idea of an angel isn't really kosher with the USAT, if I can help give a panicked woman a little confidence, its a good thing. This year I convinced several other WWFC tri-ers, Suzy and Cake, to join in the fun. Yes, Charlie's Angels of triathlon!

The rain stopped shortly after we all arrived, the races went on with minimal delay, and we had a fabulous day. CONGRATULATIONS Melissa, RebbyJ, and Carlee. You all ROCK!!

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Facing my fears.

Yep, that snazzy blue and white bike.

Yes, a triathlete, afraid of her bike. I don't know exactly how I got here, but I hadn't ridden at all this year, other than a few rides on the trainer in the late winter/early spring. Last year I had a tough year on the bike. I got repeated flats. I fell. A lot. I had a difficult time with the traffic, and encountered more than my share of rude and dangerous drivers. I never felt comfortable on any ride, and combined with the lack of sleep that year I never really had the mental toughness to just "get over" that particular hill.

The bike has always been the piece of triathlon I felt least comfortable with, and I doubt I'll ever do an Iron distance race because I just don't have the desire to spend that much time in the saddle. I hadn't really ever ridden a road bike, prior to 2005, and the few times I had were also bad experiences. So it took a lot of gumption for me to buy a road bike and start riding it, and even more to switch to clipless pedals and get locked into the metal monster. My very first ride I stole out before 6AM, to avoid the traffic, and my hands shook the entire time. Eventually I did learn to come to some peace with my bike, and enjoy the speed, the views, the comradeship. I even discovered the thrill of flying down a hill at 40 mph and came to grips with my cycling shoes and pedals. Still, a long long break from something you never felt entirely at home with, after more bad experiences than the two years prior, and you can see how the monster in my mind kept growing in size.

But, I do want to race again. Next year will be my return to tri-ing, which means cycling is mandatory. I also can't run right now and I am working hard on improving my base fitness and losing weight. As soon as the chiro gave me the no-running mandate I knew the time had come to face the bike.

And so, this morning around 7:30AM, after planning my pre-ride and ride with the detail and precision of a campaign, plus a small meltdown at 7 when I couldn't find my favorite cycling shorts, my bike and I got re-acquainted. It was a nice visit. I surprised myself with how comfortable I felt out and around, although my bike fitness is absolutely nil. My legs had nothing and my hammies made themselves known shortly into the ride. I am/was already a fairly slow cyclist, but with strong enough legs and enough fitness that I could make a good speed on flats, but really slowed down in any kind of terrain. That extra weight I'm hauling around made even the flats slow, and little rises slower.

I broke no land speed or distance records, and I needed to stop a couple of times, but I did it, and the next ride is scheduled in the calendar that is my head.

It's good to be making my way back.

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Friday, July 25, 2008


I finally say my chiro and my painful achilles (did I mention I hurt my achilles being stupid 12 days ago) is still in the "acute inflammation" stage. No running for an indefinite period of time. Not even wogging or walking. And I'm taped, for extra support (and it really helps) just like a real jock. Somehow that makes it all worthwhile (sad, I know).
Meanwhile, Week 3 of the Sister Challenge went well. I made 5 of 6 possible points and lost 2 pounds.
On to Week 4!

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Do More Yoga!

That's one of my weekly goals in the sister challenge, and as i work more yoga back into my life, I remember and re-learn why it is so important to me. Yoga reminds me to honor my body, and make healthy choices. Yoga keeps my body flexible and supple, and helps reduce injuries. Yoga keeps my mind centered and aware and helps keep stress and distractions at bay.

This morning's practice was a new one from YJ's home practice section called "rise & shine." It combined some unusual takes on classic asanas, including the ending pose (before savasana) called "slumpy swami twist." Hmmmm, felt so good to start the day centered, focussed, healthy and aware.


Monday, July 21, 2008

It's Just A Hill: Get Over It

Sign seen on a MS150 ride. Appropros to cycling, running, and more. I love it!

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Sister Challenge Week 2 Results

Journal daily - N - I missed 1.5 days - 0
Exercise 3x/week - Y - 1
Eat consciously - N - see point1, above - 0
Do more yoga - Y -1
No alcohol - Y - 1
Weight (+0.5 = hold) - 0

3/6 points. I can do better.


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Out of the Mouths of Babes

JNephew (the one on the bottom): "Auntie, you're strong because you exercise a lot, right?"

Says the boy who was not even 2 at my first tri but who totally "got it,", who used to see my running shoes and say "Auntie Runs," who (with his Mom) coined the phrase "Auntie Rocks."

Yes, boo boo boy, I'm strong because I exercise, and I promise to get stronger. And fitter. And healthier. So I can be around to answer every question you and your brother have (especially those ones you don't want to ask Mama and Dada) for a long long long time.


Friday, July 11, 2008

Finished the 1st week of Sister Challenge!

5/6 for points, which is perfectly fine.

Journaled daily
Ate consciously
Exercised 3x/week (did 5)
No sugar -- had a sno-cone and 1/2 a bran muffin. Thinking about switching this one out for Do more yoga. As long as I stay within my points and keep sugar limited, I'll be fine.
Drank no alcohol. I'm enjoying my diet tonic and tonic w/ lime instead. Sunday at the ball game I may try and find no-alcohol beer. I'm sure they sell it, and a game isn't a game without some yeasty, malty beverage!
Weight loss, down 2.0.

Overall I'm down 2.5 for the summer. Of course I wish it was more, but I've got 2+ more months before fall, and the scale and my motivation are heading in the right direction!

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Thursday, July 10, 2008


Yes, I guess I am obsessed with water, but I do love to swim. I greatly prefer it to the other two elements of triathlon -- although running is certainly more easily available, and lets not talk about the bike ( I'm in the middle of trying to re-learn confidence on that point). So, across the pond and back from the beach pictured above, into the waning sun, on a georgous summer night. Yes, I do love water, the outside, and New England.

The one little problem -- I got severe foot cramps near the finish. Tonight, my left foot cramped flexed up, so it was impossible to kick. I can't figure out why, but I'm beginning to think that my feet are too stiff, and I need to work on making them more flexible, and probably stonger. Does anyone out there have any good foot exercises?


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Ahhhhh, beach run.

What a nice way to start the day! Even when its hot and muggy, there is almost always a breeze to be found down by the water. I've got wet shoes, sandy legs, and I'm going to be late to the office, but I also have a smile as wide as the sand at low tide.

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Monday, July 07, 2008

8PM = Kitchen Closed

I know its an arbitrary rule, with no real basis for it, but shutting down the kitchen at 8PM seems to work for me. I'm done eating for the night by then, period. No snacking, no nibbling, no grazing. I also think that I sleep better, the longer the period between dinner and bedtime.

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Sunday, July 06, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!

Coming next to a blog near you --the Sister Challenge! That would be me and mine. We're each tracking some healthy goals between now and Labor Day, plus committing to weighing-in once a week. Each week we report to the other our "points" for the week (1 point per goal, plus 1 if weight lost, -1 if weight gained, 0 points for maintenance (+/- 0.5 lbs). Whoever has the higher point total on the Friday before Labor Day buys the other a massage. My goals for this first phase:
- eat consciously
- journal daily
- exercise 3x/week
- no alcohol
- no sugar (definition in progress, but no additional sugars, no sugary foods. Fruit is fine, muffins are not).
I'm still working towards fitting back into those Long & Leans, and hope to be fit enough to do my 3rd (or is it 4th) Tufts 10K in October -- either walk or run. I just want to be able to finish comfortably, and ahead of my Hyannis February time.
Friday is reconciliation day, and I did well over the weekend.

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