Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Status Report: No Wogging Until Labor Day (at least)

Back from another visit with the chiro and he said I pretty much have to say goodbye to any wogging (that's running/jogging/walking) over the summer, and there is a good chance he won't want me to do the Tufts 10K in October. My achilles is still very inflamed and sore to the touch, and he says it can take 40-50 WEEKS for full healing from that point -- although therapy can cut that time down. He's willing to re-evaluate after Labor Day but in the meantime only swimming, cycling (avoid hills, HAH, like that's hard ;-)), spinning, yoga, and strength training.

He's right in that it doesn't make sense to re-injure it in a month and have a complete set-back, and really, I want to be ready to train for a return to tris in 2009, so I need to take the long view. My only gripe is that wogging is so much more convenient/efficient compared to cycling and swimming, but I guess I'll have to figure out how to figure it all out. No time like the present!

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Blogger Mel Mazz said...

I am glad you are taking the long view. It's hard not to be active when you have the motivation to do so, but it sounds like this gives you a great "opportunity" to love on your bike, a little? Hang in there, and take good care of yourself.

3:27 PM  
Blogger LBTEPA said...

That's tough :(
But if 09 is your goal then you'll have soemthing to motivate you :) I've never theard of the swim angel idea - what a good thing to do!

8:02 PM  

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