Friday, July 11, 2008

Finished the 1st week of Sister Challenge!

5/6 for points, which is perfectly fine.

Journaled daily
Ate consciously
Exercised 3x/week (did 5)
No sugar -- had a sno-cone and 1/2 a bran muffin. Thinking about switching this one out for Do more yoga. As long as I stay within my points and keep sugar limited, I'll be fine.
Drank no alcohol. I'm enjoying my diet tonic and tonic w/ lime instead. Sunday at the ball game I may try and find no-alcohol beer. I'm sure they sell it, and a game isn't a game without some yeasty, malty beverage!
Weight loss, down 2.0.

Overall I'm down 2.5 for the summer. Of course I wish it was more, but I've got 2+ more months before fall, and the scale and my motivation are heading in the right direction!

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Blogger Mel Mazz said...

Great week. Happy to read about the Sister Challenge. I need to work exercise and healthier eating into my own challenge, no kitchen has been quite the excuse for less than healthy eating! It's catching up with me though, so I am using you two as inspiration for my own stepped up efforts!!

12:08 PM  

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