Saturday, September 30, 2006

How long is too long?

And am I there yet?

Friday, September 29, 2006

One step forward, two back.

I've been sick, and it came out of nowhere. I was feeling *fabulous* on Tuesday, and ready to get back to running. On Wednesday, I woke up with a sore throat and sniffles, that has turned into aa continued sore throat, aches, sniffles and an occasional cough. Blech. I was so tired yesterday that when I got home around 5:30 I fell into bed and slept for 2 hours. Up to watch Survivor (my guilty pleasure) and Grey's Anatomy (everyone's guilty pleasure), and then back to sleep until 7 this morning. I've been dragging all day today, but had to stick around the office to hand-hold a client through the final process of getting a settlement agreement signed and filed with the Court.

No one likes being sick, and it really makes me cranky these days, because it rarely happens. And on top of feeling cruddy, I am having a terrible eating week. I managed *not* to order pizza last night, but I scarfed down more than one skinny cow ice cream sammy instead. I really need to figure out how to be strong, when the rest of me is feeling weak. Right now, I'm not doing great at it. And yeah, I ordered pizza tonight *and* cracked open a bottle of wine. Sheesh, you'd think I'd know better.

As my heroine Scarlett O'Hara likes to say, "tomorrow is another day!" And at least the skinny cows are gone :-)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The sweet smell of success!

I had my last chiro appointment last night, and I'm cleared to run again. I don't have any pain either, so I'm really pleased. It *really* hurt when I went to see him, and in 3 weeks, my problems seem to have healed. I hope so, I should get back to running in the next couple of days. I'll start slow and short -- no more than 3 miles -- and see how I feel.

On Sunday I'm riding in the Hub on Wheels, a 40 mile ride through and around Boston. It should be a fun event, even though I haven't been on my bike much lately. I'm going with a friend who is in the same boat, so we should pace each other nicely. Our only goal is to have fun!

Next week I start a few sessions with a personal trainer. She's going to help me learn how to use free weights, develop an off-season training plan to support my weight loss goals, and specifically help me strengthen my glutes, abbductors and adductors, to prevent more ITB injury.

I've also dropped 8 pounds in 3 weeks. I'm not starving myself, but eating really well. I do feel hungry from time to time, but that's all part of the process. I'm re-educating myself in how in eat well and to satisfaction, but not to stuff myself. And to eat when hungry, not just for the sake of eating.

I'm having fun playing around with recipes, too. Below is one for a lovely frittata that makes a satisfying meal at any time of day.

Bacon, Asparagus and Potato Frittata - 2 servings, 4 points each

Cut 2 small- medium red potatoes unto small chunks and sautee in a pam sprayed, oven-safe, pan with one clove of garlic. When the potatoes begin to soften, add in 3/4 C of frozen asparagus (I use already chopped tips and spears) and a handful of sliced mushrooms. Let saute until defrosted. Meanwhile, cook 4 slices of turkey bacon (a microwave works great). Crumble the bacon, and add it to the veggies. Beat 1 egg and 3 whites. Season with salt and pepper. Pour over sauteed veggies, stir, and place pan into a 400 degree oven. Bake 5-10 minutes until puffy and brown at the edges. Serve warm. Makes a great leftover cold, too.

Monday, September 25, 2006


Baby Ian was baptized yesterday. He's *such* a cutie. But then, I'm a slightly biased Auntie :-))

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Who are *you*?

Which Western feminist icon are you?

You are Angela Davis! You were the THIRD WOMYN IN HISTORY to appear on the FBI's Most Wanted List. You are a communinist, black power-lovin' lady who shook up the United States when you refused to lie down quietly to oppression. You WENT TO JAIL! Wow. You kick so much more ass than Foxxy Brown.
Take this quiz!

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Monday, September 18, 2006

Diagnosis: ITB

Well, it's official, I'm a runner. My hip pain is apparently ITBS.

From Wikipedia: Iliotibial Band Syndrome symptoms range from a stinging sensation just above the knee joint (on the outside of the knee or along the entire length of the iliotibial band) to swelling or thickening of the tissue at the point where the band moves over the femur. The pain may not occur immediately during activity, but may intensify over time, especially as the foot strikes the ground. Pain might persist after activity. Pain may also be present below the knee, where the ITB actually attaches to the tibia.

ITBS can also occur where the IT band connects to the hip, though this is less likely as a sports injury. It commonly occurs during pregnancy, as the connective tissues loosen and the woman gains weight -- each process adding more pressure. ITBS at the hip also commonly affects the elderly. ITBS at the hip is studied less; few treatments are generally known.

Of course, I have the kind where the major pain is in the hip (and no, I'm *not* pregnant). My chiro is doing a fabulous job treating it though, and I'm generally starting to feel much better. I'm also not running. Only walking, swimming, a little cycling, and some yoga. I'm going to start upping my weight training soon, too.

The interesting thing is that since the therapy, I've had pain going down the entire IT band, into my knee. I guess the hip pain was so severe I didn't notice it as much.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A couple of things:

Yeah, I'm busy. Blah blah blah, who isn't. Anyway, a couple of bumps in the road, and some good stuff too. So here's what's been going on (and I hope to get back to more regular blogging now):

1. I've got a new computer, finally, so I have home inet access again.

2. I've committed, well, re-committed to Weight Watchers. I've been back at meetings and on the program and had a lovely 5 pound loss my first week. My first goal is to lose 32, so I'm almost 1/6 of the way there!

3A. I have some sort of hip injury and I'm going to see a chiro tomorrow night. It happens that he is a triathlete, has traveled for the USTA, and been at Kona. I hope he can help!

3b. I've had to defer the Baltimore Half Marathon until 2007. I've got a substantial work conflict, and the hip injury isn't helping my training. I was upset at first, but realize it just not the right time for me this year. But I will SO be there next year. And thinking of the Covered Bridhes Half in June, too :-)

4. Thinking about a Trek Hybrid for winter riding, poking around, having fun, and taking a more casual approach to exercise. Well, not casual, jut fun and unpressured. It goes with point #2 -- my focus on going to be on weight loss, not racing -- for the rest of the year. I may still race, but with a different mentality.

5. On that note, I'm riding the Hub on Wheels on 10/1. Its a 40 mile ride in and through Boston, and some of the roads will be closed to auto traffic, sweet! I also hope to run or walk the Tufts 10K on 10/9, but that will depend a bit on what the chiro says tomorrow.

Friday, September 01, 2006


Well, since I've been back from vacation, I've been in another crazy work loop. On top of the demands and long hours (or maybe because of), my sleeping has sucked. Al of that has combined to very little training for me. Anyway, I'm going to head off for a nice relaxing weekend with friends out on Block Island, and will regroup and reorganize.

My half mary is 6 or 7 weeks away, and I have a potential scheduling issue with work. I'm going to keep on training, but there is a 50/50 shot I won't even be able to race. Which would make me very sad. We shall see . . .