Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The sweet smell of success!

I had my last chiro appointment last night, and I'm cleared to run again. I don't have any pain either, so I'm really pleased. It *really* hurt when I went to see him, and in 3 weeks, my problems seem to have healed. I hope so, I should get back to running in the next couple of days. I'll start slow and short -- no more than 3 miles -- and see how I feel.

On Sunday I'm riding in the Hub on Wheels, a 40 mile ride through and around Boston. It should be a fun event, even though I haven't been on my bike much lately. I'm going with a friend who is in the same boat, so we should pace each other nicely. Our only goal is to have fun!

Next week I start a few sessions with a personal trainer. She's going to help me learn how to use free weights, develop an off-season training plan to support my weight loss goals, and specifically help me strengthen my glutes, abbductors and adductors, to prevent more ITB injury.

I've also dropped 8 pounds in 3 weeks. I'm not starving myself, but eating really well. I do feel hungry from time to time, but that's all part of the process. I'm re-educating myself in how in eat well and to satisfaction, but not to stuff myself. And to eat when hungry, not just for the sake of eating.

I'm having fun playing around with recipes, too. Below is one for a lovely frittata that makes a satisfying meal at any time of day.

Bacon, Asparagus and Potato Frittata - 2 servings, 4 points each

Cut 2 small- medium red potatoes unto small chunks and sautee in a pam sprayed, oven-safe, pan with one clove of garlic. When the potatoes begin to soften, add in 3/4 C of frozen asparagus (I use already chopped tips and spears) and a handful of sliced mushrooms. Let saute until defrosted. Meanwhile, cook 4 slices of turkey bacon (a microwave works great). Crumble the bacon, and add it to the veggies. Beat 1 egg and 3 whites. Season with salt and pepper. Pour over sauteed veggies, stir, and place pan into a 400 degree oven. Bake 5-10 minutes until puffy and brown at the edges. Serve warm. Makes a great leftover cold, too.


Blogger Nancy Toby said...

8 pounds is HUG! Well done!! Doesn't it feel great to see progress in the right direction?? Yay!!

8:46 AM  
Blogger TriZilla said...

WOW! What a great progress report, Karis - Fantastic results, and a great plan. Good luck with the trainer - I'll bet that that will be hugely motivating! Great work!

9:56 AM  
Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

That's what I call healthy changes. And congrats on the 8 pounds. It really helps motivate the effort, doesn't it? Keep it up! GO GIRL!

10:45 AM  

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