Monday, September 18, 2006

Diagnosis: ITB

Well, it's official, I'm a runner. My hip pain is apparently ITBS.

From Wikipedia: Iliotibial Band Syndrome symptoms range from a stinging sensation just above the knee joint (on the outside of the knee or along the entire length of the iliotibial band) to swelling or thickening of the tissue at the point where the band moves over the femur. The pain may not occur immediately during activity, but may intensify over time, especially as the foot strikes the ground. Pain might persist after activity. Pain may also be present below the knee, where the ITB actually attaches to the tibia.

ITBS can also occur where the IT band connects to the hip, though this is less likely as a sports injury. It commonly occurs during pregnancy, as the connective tissues loosen and the woman gains weight -- each process adding more pressure. ITBS at the hip also commonly affects the elderly. ITBS at the hip is studied less; few treatments are generally known.

Of course, I have the kind where the major pain is in the hip (and no, I'm *not* pregnant). My chiro is doing a fabulous job treating it though, and I'm generally starting to feel much better. I'm also not running. Only walking, swimming, a little cycling, and some yoga. I'm going to start upping my weight training soon, too.

The interesting thing is that since the therapy, I've had pain going down the entire IT band, into my knee. I guess the hip pain was so severe I didn't notice it as much.


Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Can I say "yeah, at least you know what it is" or does that sound bad? :) Sorry to hear you can't run but I'm glad you're on the road to recovery. There, that sounds more normal. :)

7:19 PM  
Blogger TriZilla said...

YOUCH! I hope it heals quickly - sounds like you're doing everything you can for it, and that you are well informed!

Way to keep up the other activities - and the weight lifting will help everything. I can't wait to get back into it either...

Healing thoughts!

8:50 PM  
Blogger KLN said...

I had no idea it was ITBS until the chiro told me. Whadda I know, but I'm really glad I decided to go see him. Thank goodness for good insurance!

12:41 PM  
Blogger Joe B said...

ITB is a big biking issue as well so I guess you are a runner and a biker.

9:02 PM  

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