A couple of things:
Yeah, I'm busy. Blah blah blah, who isn't. Anyway, a couple of bumps in the road, and some good stuff too. So here's what's been going on (and I hope to get back to more regular blogging now):
1. I've got a new computer, finally, so I have home inet access again.
2. I've committed, well, re-committed to Weight Watchers. I've been back at meetings and on the program and had a lovely 5 pound loss my first week. My first goal is to lose 32, so I'm almost 1/6 of the way there!
3A. I have some sort of hip injury and I'm going to see a chiro tomorrow night. It happens that he is a triathlete, has traveled for the USTA, and been at Kona. I hope he can help!
3b. I've had to defer the Baltimore Half Marathon until 2007. I've got a substantial work conflict, and the hip injury isn't helping my training. I was upset at first, but realize it just not the right time for me this year. But I will SO be there next year. And thinking of the Covered Bridhes Half in June, too :-)
4. Thinking about a Trek Hybrid for winter riding, poking around, having fun, and taking a more casual approach to exercise. Well, not casual, jut fun and unpressured. It goes with point #2 -- my focus on going to be on weight loss, not racing -- for the rest of the year. I may still race, but with a different mentality.
5. On that note, I'm riding the Hub on Wheels on 10/1. Its a 40 mile ride in and through Boston, and some of the roads will be closed to auto traffic, sweet! I also hope to run or walk the Tufts 10K on 10/9, but that will depend a bit on what the chiro says tomorrow.
Ya gotta do what ya gotta do! These sound like smart choices to me. The hip injury sounds very annoying. Hopefully the triathlete/chiro will help.
Congratulations on losing 5 pounds. That is a great start.
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