Eat Food. Mostly Plants. Not Too Much.
from Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food:
1. Eat Food.
- Avoid food products containing ingredients that are unfamilar, unpronounceable, more than five in number, and include high-fructose corn syrup or transfats.
- Avoid food products that make health claims.
- Shop the periphery of the supermarket - stay out of the middle.
- Get out of the supermarket where ever possible. (buy from farmers markets, CSA, local stands)
2. Mostly Plants.
- Eat mostly plants, especially leaves.
- You are what you eat eats too.
- If you have the space buy a freezer.
- Eat well-grown food from healthy soils.
- Eat like an omnivore.
- Eat wild foods when you can.
- Be the kind of person who takes supplements.
- Eat more like the french, or the italians or the japanese, or the indians or the greek. (i.e., eat traditional, non western, diets).
- Regard nontraditional foods with skepticism. (Soy isoflavones are a good example).
- Don't look for the magic bullet in traditional diets. (its not one thing, its the whole way of approaching eating)
- Have a glass of wine with dinner.
3. Not Too Much.
- Pay more, eat less. (quality is better than quantity)
- Eat meals.
- Eat at a table. (A desk or a couch is not a table).
- Don't get your fuel from the same place your car does.
- Try not to eat alone.
- Consult your gut.
- Eat slowly.
- Cook, and plant a garden if you can.
Labels: A Good Year, balance, Cooking, eating, going veggie, weight loss