Saturday, January 03, 2009


Be patient towards all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themnselves. Do not now seek the answers which cannot be given because you would not be able to love them and the point is to live everything. Live the questions now.

~~~ Ranier Maria Rilke



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Goodbye 2008, and Welcome 2009!

2008 was the follow-up to the year of no sleep, with almost as little sleep as in 2007. The CPAP didn't work, the mouth guard didn't work, what *will* work? Somehow, mid-summer, sleep started returning again -- helped in part by new allergy free bedding (oh yes, I am now officially an "itchy" girl -- peanut gallery, please leave that alone), silk eyeshade, and ear plugs. Getting some sleep helped me get going again, and I managed my first double digit weight-loss in a couple of years. The fall, work stress, and less sleep all conspired against me, and the struggle returned. What will 2009 bring? Acceptance -- that I will get less sleep than I want, but maybe, as the Stones sing, it's what I need. Persistence -- that I can find my inner athlete again. Dedication -- to training, exercise, healthy whole foods, and honoring my body and my mind. Quiet -- on the yoga mat, in my busy brain, when I need to sleep. Strength -- to manage it all. Love -- from my fabulous family and friends.

Bring. It. On!

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