Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I'm Still Standing . . .

CUE: Elton John.

Sunday was the Hyannis 10K, my second shot at this race. I actually raced according to plan, felt pretty good, but didn't have the results I wanted.

The plan: Take the first half easy, keeping my HR in Zone 3. The race starts with a gradual uphill, and last year I let the pack push me faster than I should have gone, and I was walking before Mile 2. This year, I stayed in Z3 or the bottom of Z4 until the 5K point, when I kicked it up a notch and raced in Z4-5. The flattest part of the course, along the beach, and again I felt good. I also didn't walk, like I had done last year, until Mile 5. Again, all according to plan.

At Mile 5 the course heads up a hill through Hyannisport. I waved at the Kennedys and slowed down for my only extended walk, to the top of the hill. I ran until the water stop, grabbed a quick half cup of water, then started running again. I ran the rest of the race and finished hard, my HR up in Z5.

Hit the button, looked at my results, and wanted to cry -- I was 30 seconds SLOWER than last year, when I had felt so terrible, and walked so much. I still don't understand how that happened, and when I reviewed my info in my HRM, the (calibrated and so far always accurate) footpod says I ran 7.02, not 6.2. I didn't go off course, and I as a slowpoke, I *always* pay attention to the geometry of a course and try to save as many footsteps as possible. I don't know what happened. That distance makes more sense in terms of my pace and end time. Of course, my result is my result, but I'm puzzled. And I guess I'm still looking for my mojo.

Monday, I was still sore, so there is no doubt I ran hard. This morning, my right hip is twingy, but I'll hit the bike or pool later, and hope to work out the last kinks, and get back into a good solid training routine. I guess I need a plan for the week, huh.

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Blogger Robin said...

your footpad said you ran 7 miles, so maybe that had something to do w/ it?????? eiterh way, reading your report, I was ULTRA impressed that you ran in zones 4-5 for so long! my goodness! THAT is awesome!

i am interested in this VT option!!!! i will email you. i missed your post in the list!

10:07 PM  

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