Wednesday, January 31, 2007

By the Numbers

In the month of January, I completed 12 runs, 4 bikes, 1 sad little swim, and 3 strength or yoga sessions (not counting a handful of early AM/before bed yoga). I also had 8 sick days and a couple of other recovery days, and 3 planned rest days. Not bad for really just getting back into gear, and being as sick as I was. Assuming I finish this week out as planned, I'll have made three weeks in a row of 6 days of training for the first time in ages. Next week will probably be a step back week, and I'm not sure how I'll handle that yet, but I am feeling a bit of fatigue already this week. But hey, fighting through that is what makes us stronger, right?

And oh yeah, I had a net loss of 3.4 pounds this month, right on track for my next major weight loss goal!

This morning's run was 3.25 of a scheduled 3.0. I decided to use the lap function and divvy up the miles, and try to run negative splits. Well, I started too fast, got faster, and didn't have a whole lot left for the last mile. Next time, I'll do the first mile at the LSD pace, and move on and up from there. I'm also planning on starting to add either one session of hill work or speed work per week, beginning in February. I'm not worried about my speed all that much, I know it will take mostly significant weight loss to get faster, but every extra little bit of assistance I can give my muscles in training will help. Splits from this morning as follows:

Mile 1: 13:57.8
Mile 2: 13:07.4 (really moving, for this slow fat triathlete)
Mile 3: 14:32.9
Mile 3.25: 4:47.3 (walked)
TOTAL: 46:27


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