Monday, July 30, 2007

Thunder and Lightning, Go Away,

I had a planned swim today.

Not to be, the Y's policy pulls everyone out of the water at the first rumble of thunder or bolt of lightning and keeps them out until 30 minutes after it all passes. It's still rumbling here, and morning swim ends at 9, so I'm "weathered-out" for the day.

I guess I'll run or walk later, and try to get in some more yoga. I got in a 50 minute practice last night, and wow, am I out of yoga shape. Actually, I'm out of everything shape, but at least I'm working on it now :-)

Webster Laker's, I'm so sorry I missed you all yesterday. The 4AM call ended up being too early for me. I tried, but ended up back in bed. These days, if I can sleep, I do it -- in the heirarchy of needs, its almost always at or near the top.

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Blogger Robin said...

i missed you! but i understand your reason. The Y pulls everyone out of the pool? REALLY? The Y pool INSIDE? Wow. Which Y is that. THAT is interesting. Esp. as I swam with my swim partner at Walden this AM. It was only rtaining -- no lightening when we started (or else we would not have swam). On the way the middle of the pond, we both saw a flash of lightening. SCARY. That was teh fastest I EVER swam.

11:34 AM  
Blogger KLN said...

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11:50 AM  
Blogger KLN said...

Yup. Big sign posted on the door leading into the pools -- and I've been in the water and gotten pulled out. It sucks.

Glad you made it out of the water safely this morning!

11:51 AM  
Blogger Miss Rachel said...

Well, at least you got a dip in the ocean over the weekend. ;-)

9:42 PM  

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