Saturday, June 09, 2007

I just did something today I haven't done in months!

(other than post on this blog)

I completed workouts on back to back days. AND, today I even did a bit of a double. Yesterday I swam 1400 yds, today I ran/walked 3.5 miles. After my run, I managed 30 minutes of core work.

I'm hoping to get on my bike tomorrow, and can't think why I wouldn't.

So, hello, friends, I am slowly making my way back to "normalcy." The sleeping *still* isn't great, and from that, so much else flows. I saw a specialist (finally) last week, and I'm trying to improve my "sleep hygiene" which essentially means a very strick sleeping schedule, no naps so as to consolidate sleep, no caffeine at all, no cat in the bed, no water 4 hours befor bed, no reading in bed, and a few other tips and tricks. I'm logging my sleep daily, and on a scale of A-E, A being the best, this week has been mixed. I had 1 A day, 1 B day, 3 Ds, and 2 Es. Six hours of sleep is still about the most I'm getting, when I was used to 7.5. I've stopped taking any sleep meds so I'm not groggy in the morning anymore, but the deficit definitely catches up with my by the end of the week.

Which is why today feels like a victory!

As my friend LBTEPA says, more anon, chicadees.


Blogger Jammies said...

Congrats! That is absolutely wonderful!

(I can't believe the no cat in the bed rule, though--cats are very soporific!)

12:13 PM  
Blogger Robin said...

this is really good news! glad to hear.

11:32 PM  
Blogger LBTEPA said...

Hey, you're back! (ooops hello from captain obvious)
Great to hear from you!
And I am so pleased to hear things are looking up a bit :)
Keep posting - the support you get from the kind people in the blog-world makes all the difference, I find

take care :)

6:23 PM  
Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Great to hear from you. I hope the sleep specialist helps get your sleep back!

3:11 PM  
Blogger Brigitte said...

So happy that you are back. Too bad about the no cat in the bed rule. But if it gives you your sleep back then go for it.
I know you are seeing a sleep specialist but have considered verifying if you are allergic to wheat. I know that I was surprise that wheat allergy causes insomnia.

9:06 PM  
Blogger Robin said...

hope you're continiung to do well. my RR isn't up yet, but just wanted to come by and say hola chica.

11:34 PM  
Blogger Robin said...

hope you're well.weekend is almost here! yay!just got the registration form in the smail mail yesterday for teh Tufts 10K. You in? Far away, but I think I am. I want to try and do this race every year. EVERY year! :-)

1:59 PM  
Blogger Robin said...

ps: Posted my RR....kinda long.

2:00 PM  

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