Thursday, April 19, 2007

On hiatus

Post 199 finds me still struggling. Sleep is better, but not great. Training is mostly non-existent. Eating is just plain terrible. And I'm not really having fun with any of it. The mojo continues to hide.

I don't know exactly why, but I do know I must do even more to stop this train before I go so far off course I can't get back. So here's the plan:

Take a HUGE step back and return to my early WW days, which means keep things simple. I'm going to re-teach myself to eat and journal, using my old paper journals which I used to love to fill out. No computer logs, for food or exercise. No "training" per se. Just get back to the body movement than I love, and whichs helps me feel like I'm taking good care of my body. That means swimming and yoga, as primary. Running/walking and cycling will be secondary.

I don't know what that means for my season -- but the season is moot anyway if I'm not training, getting fatter and unfit, and feeling guilty about it. I also feel like I'm spending more time on the computer than I should (even if I'm not providing evidence thereto), so I'm taking a break from the blog, my WWFC-Triers group, and my tri-drs list-serv, as well. You have all been WONDERFUL, AMAZING, GRACEFUL support, but it is the break from sitting on my backside reading, surfing, and NOT moving that I need. It is only temporary -- believe me, when I feel like I'm making progress again, and I am succeeding at re-re-training myself to good habits, I will be BACK.

See ya on the flippy, as they say :-)

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Blogger Miss Rachel said...

Good luck KLN. I'll keep your blog in my RSS reader so I'll know when you're back. :-)

6:27 PM  
Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Same here. Your presence will be missed but we have to take care of ourselves first. Don't be afraid to post something very random if you need to.

Until then, Aloha!

8:19 PM  
Blogger Robin said...

Good luck, stay determined and focused and see you soon! :-)

11:47 PM  
Blogger LBTEPA said...

Good luck and take care - see you soon!

1:51 AM  
Blogger Jammies said...

I'll miss you, but this is certainly the time of year to start new growth.

If you need me, you can find me in the garden, getting my paws muddy.

1:35 PM  
Blogger LBTEPA said...

but then again, sometimes support in establishing your new habits can make all the difference - I should know!
Hope all is well darl

5:48 PM  
Blogger Brigitte said...

Hope you get your mojo back real soon. I find you very interesting and an inspiration to. I share the same weight struggle as you. To see someone succeed is always very motivating to me. I know, it is selfish but really take care of you and come back strong. We need you. :)

7:24 AM  

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