Tuesday, July 24, 2007


The return to training is derailed by a very tight and achey lower back and right hip flexor. I'm pretty sure spending a lot of time Sat. eve and Sunday on my feet, then sacking out Sunday night because I'd had zero sleep the past couple of nights, is what did it. I woke up Monday with so much pain and tightness, I couldn't stand up straight. That I had cramps too, didn't help. It's a tad better today, but it still hurts.

And I've got a nasty rash under my left armpit -- I think caused by new deodorant, but I've stopped using it, relying on lots of washing and powder. Today its stinging like crazy, and I can't get into the derm for 2 more weeks.

At least I haven't been hungry for a couple of days.

I'm telling you, turning 40 has *not* been a piece of cake.

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Blogger ShesAlwaysWrite said...

Ouch is right - my hip flexors bug me a lot too if I do any amount of running. I don't know if it will work for you, but I have really good with the Frog Pose and with the King Pigeon pose - they get in to stretch just the right spot, and the bonus is you're laying on the ground to do it : )

1:22 PM  
Blogger LBTEPA said...

Oooooooooh, ow.
Stretch stretch stretch, and hang in there :)
Have you got anti-inflams?
Take care

9:23 PM  
Blogger Robin said...

baby steps.....remember that.

you will get excited -- rightly so--at your "comeback"...but baby steps...ease into it and it will last.

BTW: There is a tri Sept 30th at Buzzards Bay. Max perfoirmace. I am considering it -- I am guessing it is the last local tri of the season???? I woudl need to face my fear of (potential) jelly fish. Not sure yet, as it's the weekend right after RTB, but maybe.

See you at the beach this Sunday morning!

11:52 AM  

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