Saturday, July 28, 2007

I went running today, and my back survived!

I took it easy on myself - 1 mile walk warmup, then 4x .25 mile run/.25 mile walk intervals, then a mile run cool down. 4 miles in about 65 minutes, so walking pace. In the middle of the cool down I took a break to strip off my gear and shoes, and hop into the ocean to get wet. It's an incredibly heavy muggy day here, and the cool water felt fabulous!

Off shortly for another massage -- suggested by my doc, so who can quibble with that.

Tomorrow is swim angeling at Webster Lake for the Danskin Tri. Can't wait, its always a blast!

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Blogger LBTEPA said...

What GOOD news!
You are on your way :)

7:57 PM  

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