Sunday, February 17, 2008

Welcome to the Grand Illusion (with apologies to Styx)

I've been fooling myself. I cannot ignore the WW program and expect to lose weight. I cannot eat with impunity because I still cannot eat *properly.* I still have -- and will always have -- an eating disorder. For the rest of my life I will always have to weigh and measure. For the rest of my life I will have to think about every bite. For the rest of my life I will have to be accountable for what I put into my body.

It's not all bad though. I know that the program *works* and that if I keep doing it properly, I will have success. I also know that I can do the program properly. So instead of fooling myself, I have to do what I know. Some days are going to be painful. Some days I'll be faced with choices I don't want to make. But in the end, I'll be healthier, fitter, faster, and more content with myself.

The plan is simple, really:

1. Back to veggie eating, with fish mixed in. I feel healthier doing this, for some reason.
2. Journal, journal, journal.
3. Don't give in to cravings -- grit my teeth, say no, and they will eventually be banished.
4. Figure out the balance between work/life/training. Know it may require constant adjustment as well as constant vigilance.
5. MOVE. I have a 10K next Sunday which I am walking -- but I will be out there moving. Once I get past that event, I need another goal, and a training plan I can live with.
5a. Become one with my bike. Its time to really put cycling in the forefront of my training, especially if I want to race at Pumpkinman in October.
6. Have Faith in myself.
7. Don't forget my various support networks.
8. Use visualization and mediation more.
9. Remember the skinny jeans!

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Blogger LBTEPA said...

That's a good plan! Especially number 7.
Do you like riding your bike? At this stage the most important thing is to get stuck into some exercise that you enjoy and look forward to

5:35 PM  

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