Until this fall, 2005 had been a pretty good year. I had set out a bunch of goals for the year, and met almost every one.
All heck broke loose in my life in mid-October, resulting in my leaving my job for another, which then disappeared due to the totally unforseen and inexplicable finaglings of a former employer and client. I hung in there, kept my head high, and continued training (although my eating got a lot out of control -- you can find a LOT of sympathy in Starbucks pumpkin lattes and muffins). I managed to increase my distance in my long runs, even though I put on a handful of stress pounds. But when Emma got sick, I definitely lost my drive. The last week, or so, I've been living in a fog -- and not a very healthy one. No training, no calorie counting, no discipline. I've barely gotten my head outside the door lately, and I certainly don't feel like any kind of athlete. The scale is going to scream bloody murder on Sunday.
This morning I woke up feeling close to my old self. I got my backside out the door for a 3.5 mile run, in 5 degree weather. I spent time working on my job search. I tried out a new Pilates DVD. I ran errands, and went grocery shopping for healthy stuff. I planned some meals, ate well, and logged every bite. I took Emma's food, treats, and litter to the shelter for kitties where I found her. I even played with a couple of the kittens without crying my eyes out. I thought about what I've accomplished this year, and decided that despite the setbacks, I'm not giving up. There are two more weeks left in 2005, and who knows what I can accomplish between now and then. I am back.
Welcome to the tri-bloggers world, Knees. You've just been tagged. You're it, girlfriend.
Awesome...good to hear that you are getting back to some sort of normalcy (did I just imply that we were normal?)...
I had no idea life was kicking you at every turn this year. Lossing your kitty must have been the last straw.
Go go go! Glad to hear you sounding very positive!!!
*There* she is! Good going, girl. I'm proud of ya. Things are looking up. :)
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