Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Until this fall, 2005 had been a pretty good year. I had set out a bunch of goals for the year, and met almost every one.

  • Train for and finish my first Triathlon - check (Danskin, 7/30/05)

  • Race in a second, co-ed Tri, and finish in under 2 hours - check (Hyannis II, 9/10/05, 1:55)

  • Race in and finish my first 10K in under 90 minutes - check (Tufts 10K for Women, 10/10/05, 1:26)

  • Get lighter by another 30 pounds - sorta (I lost about 10, but got smaller faster, and dropped another 1-2 sizes)

  • All heck broke loose in my life in mid-October, resulting in my leaving my job for another, which then disappeared due to the totally unforseen and inexplicable finaglings of a former employer and client. I hung in there, kept my head high, and continued training (although my eating got a lot out of control -- you can find a LOT of sympathy in Starbucks pumpkin lattes and muffins). I managed to increase my distance in my long runs, even though I put on a handful of stress pounds. But when Emma got sick, I definitely lost my drive. The last week, or so, I've been living in a fog -- and not a very healthy one. No training, no calorie counting, no discipline. I've barely gotten my head outside the door lately, and I certainly don't feel like any kind of athlete. The scale is going to scream bloody murder on Sunday.

    This morning I woke up feeling close to my old self. I got my backside out the door for a 3.5 mile run, in 5 degree weather. I spent time working on my job search. I tried out a new Pilates DVD. I ran errands, and went grocery shopping for healthy stuff. I planned some meals, ate well, and logged every bite. I took Emma's food, treats, and litter to the shelter for kitties where I found her. I even played with a couple of the kittens without crying my eyes out. I thought about what I've accomplished this year, and decided that despite the setbacks, I'm not giving up. There are two more weeks left in 2005, and who knows what I can accomplish between now and then. I am back.


    Blogger PuddyRat said...

    Welcome to the tri-bloggers world, Knees. You've just been tagged. You're it, girlfriend.

    1:22 AM  
    Blogger :) said...

    Awesome...good to hear that you are getting back to some sort of normalcy (did I just imply that we were normal?)...

    9:41 AM  
    Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

    I had no idea life was kicking you at every turn this year. Lossing your kitty must have been the last straw.


    11:42 AM  
    Blogger Nancy Toby said...

    Go go go! Glad to hear you sounding very positive!!!

    1:15 PM  
    Blogger TriZilla said...

    *There* she is! Good going, girl. I'm proud of ya. Things are looking up. :)

    1:23 PM  

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