Saturday, December 17, 2005

Aerobar Advice?

I think my Santa present this year will be a pair of aerobars for my bike, and I'd love to collect the thoughts and advice of my fellow tri bloggers. I ride a basic Fuji Finest, women's specific road bike. It's a 51, I'm 5-7 (alright, 5-6 3/4), and not as leggy as I'd like. I also still have plenty of um, padding and curves, which keep me from bending as forward and as low as some folks.

A friend suggested: Vision Tech Mini TT bars, Syntace XXS bars, and Profile Jammers.

What say you, triathletes?

Cookie update: I have to finish the cherry-apricot windows, and roll and cut the gingerbread people, and then I'm done! I'm rewarding myself with my first swim in months (Lord, I hope I can manage 1000 yards), followed by a lovely sauna


Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Forget the aerobars, I want cookies!!!!

My bike is also a Fuji (Finest-AL 49 cm). I have Profile aero bars on her. My only problem with them is that the bars are too long for my forearm. They are adjustable but they only come back so far.
I have to rest my elbows on the arm rest in order to hold the end of the aerobars. It would be a lot more comfortable if I could rest on my mid forearm. As a result, I don't ride aero much. So, no matter which brand you choose, see if you can test run a pair at the shop.

4:18 PM  
Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Yeah, cookies sound good to me!

Can't help you with the aerobars, but Linae has a good point: adjustable every which way is good.

How was that swim? :-)

4:19 PM  
Blogger KLN said...

I got in the 1000 yards, hooray! And I think those long slow painful runs are helping with my endurance.

The bars I'm looking at were suggested by J, from Tri-DRS, who has met me, and suggested shorter bars to avoid just the problem Linae has had.

7:00 PM  

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