Monday, August 06, 2007

Sleep Study Night.

I had my sleep study last night, and it was not fun, and not easy to sleep. I had 25 different leads on my body, 15 just on my head, face, and neck. An O2 halter, plus another halter to measure temps on your face that looked like pieces of raw electrical wire, bands around my chest and hips, and a pulseox on the left forefinger that glowed red in the dark, so every time I rolled over and saw it, I thought "ET, Phone home." I also had to sign a waiver allowing them to video-tape me for the entire evening, as well as run sound-activated recording. Definitely an odd feeling. I really tried to relax and focus on sleeping, but I sure didn't get a good rest.

I'll get the results by the end of the month, but no one came in in the middle of the night to put a Cpap mask on me, so I'm hopeful!

I left the sleep center at 6AM (after getting untangled and unhooked from all the wires), went straight to the Y, and hit the pool with the lead goop all through my hair, a big dent under my left eye from one lead, the tape from the ones under my chin still visible, and apparently one of the leg leads still stuck to my leg -- which stayed there throughout the swim (I found it when I was in the hottub). I certainly wasn't really awake, and I can't imagine what the other swimmers and the lifeguard thought!

I was so exhausted I left work early today and napped from 5PM to 8PM. Now I'm staying up just a little past my regular bed time so I can still get a good nights sleep. I am so looking forward to my own bed, and some solid rest. Last night underscored for me how much improved my sleep has become, and I'm very thankful for the gains I have made in the last 2 months.

With a little more work, and a little more patience, I am hoping to retire the "insomnia" label from this blog. Wouldn't that be wonderful!



Blogger LBTEPA said...

we're all cheering for you to be an ex-1nsomniac!
well done going to the pool instead of straight home :)

4:31 AM  
Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Interesting! Be sure to let us know about the results - hope you learn something helpful, at least!!!

8:59 PM  

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