Biking Infrequency
This afternoon I went out in the reasonably warm November sun to get in an easy bike ride. I had planned on 15-20, but I was too ambitious. I did the loop around Weir pond, and then made it up to the Yacht club and back taking the shortest route possible. Total, 12 miles at just over 13 mph. OK, I didn't work too hard after yesterday's run so I'm OK with the speed, but my saddle and even more my HANDS ached well before I was done. I've got to get out there more often, and/or get a trainer. I hadn't realized how hard it would be to ride in the cooler temps. The great summer spoiled me!
One positive note, I felt aerobically fit, which is a nice reminder that the running work is doing more than helping me run further.
Hey, you made your workout. There's a lot to be said for "just showing up."
Nice blog. Keep up the good work on the training and weight loss. You have come so far.
Thanks for the email submission! First time to your blog and I'll be back!
Welcome to blogland! Glad you're here, and I'll stay tuned!
My hands can't take cycling. Luckily I love my aerobars. :-)
I am trying to psyche myself up for winter cycling this year...! Brrrr....
Welcome to our little family!
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