Monday, December 04, 2006


The Geek Girl tagged us readers asking for our Christmas lists. I love making lists, but I hate the gimme gimme of Christmas lists. That being said, yeah, there are some things I'd love, practical, impractical, realistic, and unrealistic. In no particular order:

1. A digital camera. *Any* digital camera.

2. A new car. That's a Volvo C70 'vertible, for anyone that cares. Perhaps my X-mas gift to myself?

3. A Polar RS200SD HRM. In red, please.

4. A way to teleport myself to Oz, for New Years, and again on January 4.

5. One of the many lovely, spendy sweaters from Terry bicycles.
I mean, c'mon, I'd look *great* in that sweater! Heck, I'll take any of the glorious, funky, fun jerseys or cycling skorts from Terry, too.

6. The grant of Summary Judgment in my FLSA case. The one that's been taking *all* my time, *all* fall. 'Nuff said.

7. Negative 10 pounds? Ok, how about I just ask Santy Claws to help me stay on the straight and narrow this season, and continue the progress forward. While I'm being nuts, I'd like to take a couple mins/mile off my 5K time, too.

8. Peace.

9. My dream bike (as of this week, anyway)
*And* the ability to put it together, take it apart, and fix it.

10. Health, happiness, and security.

11. Snow, between 12/28 and 1/2, so I can finally go snowshoeing!

12. A safe, easy move for sis and the boyz.

13. The ability to see my family and friends more easily, and more often.

14. And *no* resulting weight gain!

15. For everyone here: (that's the rose, thank you very much)

Now you've all been tagged. List away!


Blogger Jammies said...

Done, and tagged Sherri. :)

7:08 PM  
Blogger Herself, the GeekGirl said...

I do love those sweaters! I added another item to mine: that automatic robot floor cleaner thingy. Purely frivolous!

5:49 PM  
Blogger L.E.S. Teens said...

i came across your site and wanted to invite you to
come by if you'd like...there's more about us on the About Page so i don't over do it in this email
and waste your reading time...
best wishes, lisa

1:19 PM  

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