Thursday, September 20, 2007

Crazy eights: a quick catch-up

More to come this weekend, I promise (really).

1. My sleep has regressed the last couple of weeks, and I've been soooooo ridiculously exhausted lately. I'm UBER tired of this.

2. I've been diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea, so at least there is an answer. The solution - CPAP - which won't happen for another month or so (I need another sleep study to calibrate it).

3. The Red Sox are going to break my heart again. Sigh.

4. Work is busy, but good. But busy.

5. I haven't been to a meeting or on the scale in a month. Double sigh.

6. Today starts a new WW cycle, and I WILL journal, I WILL exercise, and I WILL make a meeting.

7. Got a cool new rack for my bike. Assuming I can assemble it an get it on the car, I can finally get my bike issues fixed, and get out for some good fall riding.

8. Tufts 10K on 10/8. To go or not? I hate to miss it, it would be my third year in a row, but the 10K I did in August kicked my backside. And I'm not in any better shape. Decisions, decision.

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Blogger LBTEPA said...

1 and 2 - booo! But good you're getting some progress. Sending supportive thoughts!
3. Google the Western Bulldogs AFL team and see how I feel your pain :(
4. Yay!
5 and 6 - only if it makes you feel good about yourself, eh? You're juggling a lot of hard stuff at the 'mo.
7. Cool!
8. Do it! You can always run 3 walk 2. You'll be proud of yourself AND get some bling (one of life's essentials I think)

9:59 PM  
Blogger Tinkerbell said...

Hey SweetG!

Do the Tufts with the only goal to do it. Meaning, just walk it and enjoy the fresh air. There's no pace police out savor the day and your healthy body's ability to move and enjoy the process. Keep after step at a time. You're a smart cookie...just reach in there for your inner Tough Cookie. ;))

10:38 AM  
Blogger Robin said...

TUFTS 10K: I was injured last year and needed to WALK TWO miles of it. So what? I wasn;t sure I'd enjoy walking it, but there were TONS of people around me -- running, walking....I was having fun even when I was walking and enjoyed it! This year, I'll be running it probably slowly. Doooo it! Run it, walk it---who cares! It's a fun day!

5:01 PM  

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